It is always best to pick your time to sell items at auction. Movies related to the matter always help sell the items well - just think of the price of Harry Potter or Lord of The Rings material.
At the end of July items relating to Dillinger were sold in Chicago. The lot pictured here included a letter written by John Dillinger to his niece while in prison, a photo of Dillinger and an official Wanted poster. Auctioned at
Leslie Hindman Auctioneers on July 28, 2009 for $60,400 - 10 times the high estimate.
Also included in the sale was "a Colt Army Special .38 revolver used by East Chicago Police Captain Timothy O'Neil in the final shootout with Dillinger at the Biograph Theatre ignited heated competition among five telephone bidders. The gun sold for $36,400 to Wayne Lensing, owner of the Historic Auto Attractions Museum in Roscoe, Illinois" source Liveauctioneers news article
here. (scroll down past the photo header).
The article has pictured the original mugshot on which the movie poster for Public Enemy is based. I was wondering why Johnny had that funny smirk.