Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Historic photo portraits rescued from demolition

An exhibition celebrating the life and work of Herman John Schmidt 1872-1959 opens tomorrow at the Auckland Central Library. The collection's original plate glass negatives (numbering 27,000) were rescued from a demolition site at 270 Queen St in 1970. See the Herald article here:

This is part of the Photography Festival which is on in Auckland in June refer to http://www.photographyfestival.org.nz/programme/index.cfm for the programme.

Exhibitions on my list:

Exploring the Great North Road at Corban Estate Arts Centre

Rauru – looking at the beautiful carvings of Tene Waitere at Two Rooms

and From the Vault works by Neil Pardington at Snowwhite Gallery at the Unitec School of Design Carrington Rd, Mt Albert